Sunday, August 11, 2013


Yep.  Rats are a reality if you live in Portland's urban neighborhoods.  Yes, even the spendy, prestige neighborhoods. 

Rats are smart, persistent and flexible.  They are attracted to a really wide variety of food sources.  Rats live in a variety of places, but prefer dark areas safe from predators.  Think sewers, crawl spaces, dense bushes or thickets.

Portland's aging sewer system attracts many rats.  A broken sewer line can give rats easy access.  As a matter of fact, rat holes, and a slight depression in the yard are tell take signs of a broken sewer line.  Most often the rat holes will be along the sidewalk:

This is one of many holes I see on my dog walks.  There is a corresponding hole on the other edge of the sidewalk.
I recently saw this huge hole by a pretty busy commercial area:

Holy Cow!  I half expected a nose to poke out while I was taking the picture.

What is to be done?  It is all about making your house and yard less attractive to rats..

 First and foremost, fix your sewer if is broken.  There are many reasons to fix the sewer, rats are a darn good one.  Call me if you want a referral for a good sewer company who can scope the sewer and look for breaks and holes.

Don't put large amounts of food down your garbage disposal,  Or better yet, don't use your garbage disposal.

Don't feed the birds and the squirrels.  Feeding wildlife means all sorts; including rats, possums and raccoons. Stop it.

Don't feed your pets outside.

Pick up dog poo from your yard and keep any dropped fruit to a minimum.

If you are still doing any back yard composting, be sure to do so in those sealed tumbler barrels.

Be sure crawl space accesses are screened over, allowing for air flow, but not animal traffic.

Taking these steps will go a long way toward discouraging the rat family from hanging out at your place. 

And yes, for those of you who have known me awhile, I have some rather hilarious rat stories including "When I had a rat in my car" and " The time Guido brought a rat in the house".  I'll be glad to share those stories if you ask.

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