Monday, July 20, 2020

Has your house or household changed?

Okay, we're however many months into distancing brought to us by COVID-19.  Along with distancing,  we have rapidly declining employment, whole industries shutting down or being re-imagined, and a whole class of college graduates in the stagnant and distanced job market.  Childcare is near to non-existent.  Some feel living opportunities for the elderly are unsafe.

With all that going on, are you using your living space differently? Have you re-purposed a room to accommodate a friend or family member? Make a home office or gym?  "Once this is over" will you be making changes to your living situation? 

I have a friend who recently turned their spacious living room into a bedroom/living area for their newly graduated daughter.  Heck, its not as though they'll be needing it to entertain anytime soon.  Their dining room became their living room; don't really need a full sized dining room these days either.  And they'll eat at the perfectly comfortable kitchen table.  I love this re-purposing of space to fit the family's current needs. 

We're using space slightly differently at our house. The living room has amassed an amount of exercise equipment; stability ball, kettle bell, weights, yoga matt, foam roller, etc.  And the front porch got a bit of a make over to accommodate two distanced pods of people eating.  For winter (though generally an optimist, I think we'll still be distancing this winter) I expect we'll add two propane heaters and a bin of clean blankets should our guests get cold.

Though our recent college graduate daughter has her own studio, she isn't thrilled about distancing alone in 440 square ft.  Though not re-puposing, she has been staying with us, in her childhood bedroom. 

I know other folks who have turned their camp trailers or RV's into home offices.  With a small house, adding a whole new space is pretty great.  And working from home, separation, with physical and audio space, can be pretty fabulous.  

Oh yeah, and the hooks on our mantle for Christmas stockings have become mask hooks. How handy.

What is going on at your place?  Carved out any new space?  Or did you pick up a new hobby that requires new space?  Where does your sourdough starter live?  Are you one of the many industrious mask makers? If so, where are you doing that?

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