Thursday, April 2, 2020

More COVID-19 influenced thoughts

I last wrote about loan forbearance and kittens.

Since then quite a few folks have talked with their lenders, and gotten forbearance agreements for their mortgage payments.  But...many of the forbearance agreements, in the fine print, require re-payment of the full deferred amount at the end of the forbearance period.  This means, if you defer payments for three months, you'd have to pay those three months' payments after three months.  So unless you'll somehow come by that due balance all at once, I'd think twice before signing such an agreement.  It may still be worth contacting your lender to ask, but do read the fine print.

Currently, real estate activity is still permitted in both Oregon and Washington.  Open houses and brokers open houses are pretty taboo, and our multiple listing service has removed that data field, making it challenging to promote open houses.  This is as it should be.  Most offices have recommended  protocols in place for property showings including cleaning, booties, hand washing and social distancing.  Title companies are continuing to close transactions, and county recording offices are handling electronic recordings.

The City of Portland permit office is closed, so building permits, including those for sewer repair/replacement and radon mitigation systems are not available.  Multnomah County's in-person recording window is closed.  It's a challenge to get repairs completed prior to closing, and moving  companies either aren't working, or are very booked.

It sounds as though some loan programs geared toward first time and low income buyers, may be tightening their lending requirements.  Programs like FHA have traditionally allowed a buyer to have a lower down payment, lower credit score and higher debt level than conventional loans.  While these programs will remain more approachable than conventional loans, they will be requiring buyers to have an amount of financial strength.

A few blogs ago, I talked about ibuyers; Zillow, OpenDoor and others.  These companies can offer an easy button to sell your house quickly when timing or other circumstances make selling via traditional means untenable.  Now seems like a great time to use this service, if, for instance you need to sell for a job relocation, to lessen expenses during the pandemic etc.  Oh, but Zillow isn't buying right now, and I'm not sure about OpenDoor.

Who is working now, (carefully) are Realtors; licensed and doing business here in Portland.  We're taking plenty of precautions, with cleaning and distancing protocols in place.

And kittens!  What about kittens?!  Actually, today I'm thinking about puppies!

The folks at One Tail at a Time will soon have puppies available for adoption.  If a puppy seems like too much work (they are very busy creatures) One Tail at a Time has more mature dogs too.  You just might need a buddy...

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