Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Check out some electric cars!

The Portland Auto Show is coming to the Oregon Convention Center,  February 20th -23rd, 2020.  In general, auto shows are put on by new car dealers associations, with vendors being dealers of car brands.  So if you look at a Toyota RAV4, you'll most likely be talking with salesperson from a local dealership.

If you know me, I'm all about the electric car (and solar, but that's another story), which ends up not being very well represented at traditional auto-shows.  This is due to a few causes. 1) not all electric vehicles are sold through dealerships, so new electric cars sold directly from the manufacturer to the public, will not be at the show (Tesla).  You may see a few of those vehicles in the electric vehicle section, exhibited by private owners.  2) Few car salespeople specialize in electric cars (dealers would be wise to have electric car specialists).  Instead, they are sold by salespeople who usually sell and know. more, about internal combustion engine cars.

You'll see some electric cars on the show floor, but it may be difficult to get info on charging options, range, service needs etc.

This year's show will have both the Electric Avenue to showcase electric cars and charging options. If you go, check out the cool Chargeway beacons, offering all sorts of great charging and trip planning options.  And the Oregon Electric Vehicle Association will have a section where you can interact with electric vehicle owners.  The Tech Center, at the show, will also have some electric cars, along with showcasing new vehicle  connectivity, safety features and vehicle apps.

If you are left wanting more, wait a few months for the Electric Vehicle Symposium  and Exhibition, June 12-17.     This show is a deep dive into the world of electric  transportation.  And Forth is a great  unbiased resource for electric vehicles, as they don't represent a specific dealer or manufacturer.

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