Monday, June 24, 2013

Politics of carpooling and other joint ventures

For Emma's elementary and middle school years, we shunned carpools for a variety of reasons; we lived reasonably close to school, I have a flexible schedule and I wasn't about to let someone else make my kid late to school. To our credit, both Emma's and mine, she was NEVER tardy in her nine years at Winterhaven. 

Enter club volleyball with two practices a week across town and tournaments sprinkled across northwestern Oregon.  All of a sudden, a carpool looks pretty darn good.  We're lucky to have a total of four families commuting from our neck of the woods to these events; all reasonable, responsible and on time. 

With four families, we each drive one leg per week; to or from.  And we volunteer for tournament days; especially that early leg to get the girls wherever by 7:30am;  Hillsboro, Salem, McMinnville etc.  All of us have varying pressures on scheduling and varying preferences on which leg to drive when.

 My general approach is to lead the scheduling charge, volunteer early for the shifts I want, and do slightly more than my share.  This gets me the schedule I can do, and with "one up", leaving me comfortable asking someone else to bring my kid home when I can't.  The thin veil of appearing to be helpful when I'm really securing my preference.

This same can apply to many joint ventures, including potlucks, right?   Pipe up early that you'll bring your preferred dish; your are an early bird and helpful  Never mind that you just secured the dish you wanted, preempting other folks.

 And that person who looks like a slacker by volunteering late and "batting clean up" ?  He or she may well be the most selfless person in the group; driving shifts no one else wants, bringing that dish to the potluck that is really needed, but a hassle, and all with a smile.

Who are you?  I seem to be oddly, selfishly controlling, while thinking I'm helpful and eager.  hmm.

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