Sunday, September 22, 2013

When I google myself...

I make it a practice to google myself every so often.  I know my clients, and folks referred to me by clients, often google me.  I like to take a peek at what they might see.

There is a hilarious African American gal, a comedienne, by the name of Leslie Jones.  Google really likes her stuff, so she dominates the majority of the first page.  Leslie is rather raunchy, quite energetic and I find her quite funny.  Sometimes when I google myself, I end up watching her clips:


Eventually I make it back see where I rank.  I usually do show up on the first page. Results are better if I google Leslie Jones Portland or Leslie Jones Realtor (though that Realtor, Leslie Jones in Florida has pretty good SEO also).
My sister works in computer security at an academic level. She travels a bunch giving talks and briefing important people like the senate and those folks that hang out in The Hague.  She has lots of publications and videos, and a unique last name. A specific google search of her name shows 20,800 results.  And they are pretty much all her.
What do you find when you google yourself?

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